Hello! This is the story of my visit to the Land of the Flower People (that's how I think of them) and inter dimensional travel. Each being was so beautiful. They looked like big, flat and white Magnolia flowers on a very short stem. Connected to the ground, yet they could move. Very gentle and sweet beings. I was honored to visit them.
I hope you enjoy it!
If you want to get general interdimensionaltravel instructions, see specific step-by-step directions at my blog: How to Travel Inter dimensionally.
Any questions about how you personally can travel inter dimensionally? Book a reading and I can give you psychic insights just for you that will help you to explore other dimensions.
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I bless your life!
- Marla
Your Online and Phone Psychic Reader, Psychic Medium, Pet Communicator, Psychic Spiritual Teacher, Chakra and Energy Worker, Author of “Discover the Ten Psychic Senses, The Complete Guide to Expand Your Psychic Self” (coming soon).
marla@marlalombard.com marlalombard.com text 562-212-9100